星期五, 八月 25, 2006

Where Are All the Mobile Internet Users?

eMarketer writes:

According to a new report from Telephia, 34.6 million US mobile phone subscribers accessed the Internet from a wireless device in June 2006. With eMarketer estimating the US mobile phone population at approximately 213 million in 2006, that equates to only 16% of mobile phone subscribers. Considering the widespread use of mobile data and Internet services in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, 16% seems remarkably low and once again confirms the US as being very much a PC-centric Internet market.

同时,这篇文章还对mobile internet 使用者的年龄情况(18-24居多),经常使用内容(Email和天气预报),所用浏览器(Openwave 占绝大多数)做了图例的比较分析,值得一看。
