星期三, 八月 23, 2006

Blogger Beta暂时不支持Google AdSense:(

Blogger Tips ans Tricks writes:

...You can also add Google Adsense scripts, but they will not be displayed on the web. The reason is Blogger has added a metatag that tells search engines not to crawl the site. (《meta content="'NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW'" name="'robots'/"》). This means that the Google Adsense robot will not crawl the site and thus no Google ads will be displayed. For Amazon, the newly introduced Omakase Beta ads will also not be displayed. These will be displayed only when Blogger or you remove that NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW metatag, and at the moment, you will have no means of doing that as you have no access to the new Blogger Beta template. You can do that only when they introduce the EDIT RAW HTML feature, which I heard can be in a matter of days or weeks.

P.S.Firefox2.0 beta似乎内置了词典,即拥有了Spell Check的功能。不记得Firefox1.5系列有没有了。
