星期六, 八月 26, 2006


Third Monday 是渥太华一个聚会的名字,Third Tuesday 是多伦多一个聚会的名字。这两个聚会是由一大群Blogger和社会媒体爱好者发起的月度论坛。他们主要通过公共关系(Public Relations)的视角来讨论社会媒体(Social Media)的各种相关问题。

为什么选择PR作为切入点,发起者之一的Joseph Thornley 写到:

We believe that public relations practitioners have a unique perspective on social media. We look at social media as an extension of the conversations we have always had with journalists and stakeholders to now include a much larger group of citizen journalists and interested people whose online conversations lead to the formation of communities of interest.


First Monday and First Tuesday will provide us with the opportunity to talk about social media framed as a public relations challenge.
We will be able to focus on its potential for and impact on our profession.
How we can extend our capabilities by embracing social media.
How we can enhance our careers.
How we can better serve our clients.
And how we can then take our best thoughts forward into the broader discussion with others.
Ensuring that public relations is well represented.
Ensuring that public relations is in a leadership position in exploring and applying social media.



