星期日, 八月 20, 2006

Those Relevant is more important than those popular


Nick Carr发表The Great Unread,认为Blog圈最后也会像旧媒体圈子一样,那些在A-list上的Blogger将会赢得最多的眼球和关注,从而使得默默无名的Blogger没有出头之日,只能祈求那些A-listers大发善心加上其链接.于是,这个圈子其实也是封建等级制的一部分,所谓平等,开放及民主不过是纯洁的欺骗,善意的谎言而已.[...What we tell ourselves about the blogosphere - that it's open and democratic and egalitarian, that it stands in contrast and in opposition to the controlled and controlling mass media - is an innocent fraud.]

这篇post评论无数,一些A-listers还专门撰文加以反驳或讨论.比如,Mike Arrington就拍案而起的大叫道:Nick,绿林好汉还是混蛋一个?[Is Nick Carr the new Robin Hood, or just an Asshole?]

Stowe Boyd 对这次讨论做了比较详尽的归纳,推荐看一下.


Blogging is not about superstars; it's about individuals.
It's the long tail of publishing. The top 100 is less important than the top 1 million - or more.

People and companies around the world start blogging not to get on the A-list, but rather to say something to their immediate audience. Even if that is an audience of one.

'Most Readers' will never beat 'Most personally relevant'. My local school's blog has more relevance to me than the A-list blog about schooling hosted by a stranger on the other side of the world.

Ultimately the goal of blogging should be that participants can find content that is not just popular, but most personally relevant.
