星期三, 八月 30, 2006


RJ 从人口特征的角度,发表了自己对于一个颇有争议的问题的看法:中国和印度,谁的未来更加美好?

RJ 认为,中国现在的人口特征正处在“甜蜜点”(sweet spot)的中央;在上世纪60年代,中国政府戏剧性的降低了其出生率,那时出生的人们现在都已长大,进入劳动力大军,但是,他们后继无人。另一方面,印度则以更平稳的降低了其出生率,而且还没有到达其“甜蜜点”。印度最好的时光还在前面。

显然,RJ 对于中国的历史不算熟悉,对中国的人口特征也不甚了解。


Dependency ratios may also help answer the much-debated question of whether India or China has a brighter economic future. Right now, China is in the midst of what Joseph Chamie, the former director of the United Nations’ population division, calls the “sweet spot.” In the nineteen-sixties, China brought down its birth rate dramatically; those children are now grown up and in the workforce, and there is no similarly sized class of dependents behind them. India, on the other hand, reduced its birth rate much more slowly and has yet to hit the sweet spot. Its best years are ahead.
