星期六, 八月 19, 2006

Big Star--Rajesh Jain

RJ(Rajesh Jain)是一个Blogger,这是我的第一个印象.

偶尔想过,自己学习的这个Blogger很可能是个Big Star呢.可是,直到通过抓虾订阅其RSSfeed发现自己是唯一的订户,才决定进一步了解他.

果然,一个Big Star!一个印度的Blogger曾经专门写过一篇blog,题目就是Moment with RJ,他把RJ看作精神导师了:)

中文关于RJ的网页不多,Google搜索其中文名拉济什*基恩,只有4个结果,而英文名Rajesh Jain的相关结果则有942,000之多.

Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for people starting their own businesses?


Based on my experiences, there are three things that I’d like to tell people starting their own businesses:

Dream Big: I think vision is very important. More than anything else, it is the Vision Thing that drives an entrepreneur. Passion comes from the Vision – the ability to see a future that is different from today. It is this future that the entrepreneur seeks to create. This is the higher-level purpose that an entrepreneur has – to build something that does not exist, to explore horizons that others have not. Never be afraid to dream big, but then also take steps to make that dream a reality.

Use Failure as a Teacher: An entrepreneur must be prepared to experience and learn from failure. As an entrepreneur, there will be more “down” days than “up” days. These days and periods test the entrepreneur’s patience. There are times when one may feel like just giving up. But one must persevere. Failure and success are two sides of the same coin. One will come with the other. Success hides the problems, failures magnify them. It is failure that teaches us how to do things right – provided we are prepared to accept failure and learn from it.

Combine Optimism with Realism: Even as entrepreneurs are the ultimate optimists (and they have to be), that has to be tempered with the ability to also confront reality. A balance is needed. In the early stages of a venture, it is only the optimism of the entrepreneur that will help tide over the challenges. But as time goes on, it is also necessary to do course correction based on the reality of the situation. Entrepreneurs have to be careful not to be blind-sided by developments, and for this it is necessary to expose themselves to alternate viewpoints.


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于是仁 说...

Rajesh Jain,印度科技界的宠儿和代言人。

Rajesh Jain于1993年在印度创建了门户网站IndiaWorld.com,仅仅7年以后,他以1亿美元的价格将这个土生土长的印度网站卖给Satyam Infoway,从而成为印度历史上第一位IT业亿万富翁。
