星期五, 十二月 01, 2006

The Virtual World is More Real

1,In the sixth Surveying the Digital Future study, University of Southern California’s Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future found Internet usage in the U.S. continues to rise.
A more significant finding of the survey is that, in its own way, the virtual reality of the Internet has become as “real” as the “real world.”
Large numbers of Internet users hold such strong views about their online communities that they compare the value of their online world to their real-world communities,” USC Annenberg School said in a summary of its survey, released Wednesday.

2,In a related study, research firm Medefield found that the Internet has become numero uno when it comes to methods used for gathering data in pharmaceutical industry market research studies.
Specifically, Internet-based market research “has leapt ahead of face-to-face and phone interviews to become the world's number one method of data collection for quantitative physician studies,” Associated Press said in a report Wednesday.
Acceptance of the Internet as a way to gather research data has been especially rapid in the European Union, AP said.

The USC and Medefield studies, while discussing different aspects of the Internet’s impact on society, nonetheless speak of a broader trend: the online world is more “real” than ever, whether viewed as a way to make and keep friends or gather data for professional research.

The Website of the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School Center: www.digitalcenter.org
