星期日, 八月 27, 2006


过去几天的时光,Blogger Rajesh Setty 和在班加罗尔认识的几个“棒极了”的家伙一起度过。其中一个无与伦比的家伙叫Jnan Dash,Jnan 不失幽默地分享了大把的关于技术趋势的行家观点,其中一个关于“权利”的故事,实在是可爱极了。






Everyday morning a man would park his car at a particular location. The man was generous and paid $10 to an attendant to take care of his car. A few years later, the man got married but continued to park his car everyday at the same location. However, something changed. He paid only $5 to the attendant.

A few years later, the man had a couple of kids. The man continued to park his car at the same location everyday. However, he paid only $1 to the attendant.

One day the attendant stopped the man and asked him about the change in behavior. He wanted to know why he only paid him a dollar - a mere 10% of what he used to pay him a few years earlier. The man, of course, had a good explanation for his change in behavior. He said that things were very different when he was a bachelor. Now, he had a lot more expenses and he was careful how he spent his money.

The attendant shook his head and quipped "Sir, this is not fair. You are using my income to take care of your family."
